Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Empower yourself with Confidence
*Balancing a Moroccan Tea Tray
I’m lying here on my round pink satin bed thinking of all the gifts I’ve received through belly dance: confidence, glamour, freedom, sexiness, joy. Belly dance has empowered me in nearly every area of my life but one: business. Shimmy half naked for Arnold Schwarzenegger? No problem. Read a financial report? I don’t think so. Give me some rose petals and tell me to spread them on my pink satin sheets—can do. Ask me to do an Excel spread sheet and I’ll run screaming the other direction. Actually, that was the old me, before I embraced my inner entrepreneur. Now, spread sheets and running numbers comes to me as easily as belly rolls. How did this happen? By following some simple steps.
First, I set the goal. I wanted to empower women through my company GoddessLife. To do that, I needed to empower myself and face my business fears. And so I applied to and was accepted into the highly competitive executive program at the UCLA Anderson School of Business at UCLA. Attending a business school with other entrepreneurs was like leaping into the abyss for me. But I stepped outside my comfort zone and faced my deeply rooted fears of not being able to understand complex business theories. When I did my first class assignment on my own using Excel and programmed the formulas for a P&L report, I felt like the Queen of the world! I celebrated my accomplishment with a bubble bath and a glass of Cristal. While people across the world create spreadsheets everyday, for me it was like climbing Mount Everest. I could now meet with my accountant without leaving in tears, and while I will never be a CPA, I am now a BDE—Business Diva Extraordinaire.
And now I can balance a spreadsheet and a Moroccan tea tray on my head. How many CEO’s can say that?
I also discovered a little secret. While we all have worries and doubts that chip away at our self-worth, it is through facing these fears head-on that we gain trust in ourselves. By doing the things that scare us the most, we learn self-reliance. Most of our fears are irrational and we know intellectually that they do not serve our higher good. They gain power in our minds. Most of us have agonized over a phone call that we assumed would be an ugly confrontation, only to realize that “it wasn’t that bad”. It is up to each individual to tame the little beasts. AS SARK says, put your fears and negative thoughts in a Rolls Royce and gently shut the door. Say, “Thanks for sharing!” and send them on their way. Don’t forget to wave. Then take a deep breath and accept that you can do anything to which you set your mind.
It might seem I’m stating the obvious when I say being gorgeous, rich, smart, famous, successful or thin does not automatically give you self-esteem, but you would be surprised how often we all delude ourselves into thinking that we will finally feel good about ourselves once we have achieved these things. Achieving your idea of perfection will not bring you confidence because the opposite of confidence is not perfection. The opposite of confidence is fear.
Just analyzing or thinking positive thoughts about what scares you is not enough. It is through action that we truly face our fears. If you are afraid of the ocean, take a snorkeling class. Take small steps towards the ultimate goal—start in a pool, move to a lake, then move to the sea. There is a reason we use the term “build confidence”. You can do it! Unlike narcissism, you can never have too much self-esteem and we all need to lift ourselves up occasionally and redefine what gives us a sense of worth. True confidence is the best investment you will ever make in yourself and can outlast your job, your boyfriend and even the most darling pair of Manolo Blahniks. Go Goddesses! I have confidence in you!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Girls just wanna have fun, or do they?
Recently, one of my students at the Goddess Center informed me that she was not going to be able to make this series of cheerleading classes. She was trying to be "responsible” and just had too many things on her plate. Granted, shaking your pom-poms and refining your “liberty” arms is not usually a high priority for a 30-year-old successful businesswoman. But I knew how much she loved class and wearing the short cheer skirts. She often said it was the most fun thing she did each week.
This got me thinking of how little women value having fun. It’s even lower on our list than pampering ourselves. We all know how difficult it is for us as women to take care of ourselves - people pleasing everyone except ourselves. We don’t even seem to think of ourselves as people. We have been conditioned to think this way and the fact that we receive some sort of validation that we are “good” and that we are loved because we take care of others makes it an annoyingly difficult pattern to break.
Having fun, without agenda (furthering your career, burning calories, being more organized, having a cleaner house) is one of the great reasons to live. It is living.
Now, I am not advising you to become totally irresponsible and play hookey everyday. But there must be things you just enjoy doing (and if you can’t think of any, I suggest that you forget laundry this week and start discovering what brings you joy). These fun things put everything in perspective, make us excited in anticipation before they happen and giggle long after they are over.
Personally, having fun tops my priority list. It is also how I measure things: I believe the best bellydancer in class in the one who can laugh at herself and the best surfer is the one splashing around and having a great time. I try to have as much fun as I can everyday, especially when life becomes truly challenging. Feel free to email me and share your ideas and experiences of having fun with me. I would love to hear about what fun things you like to do!
So, enroll in that class you always say you wanted to take, go to that softball game, allow yourself to be the last person to leave a party and do something that makes you laugh!
10 Calorie-Free and $$-Free ways to Indulge
1) Take a Bath (using your new bath rituals)
2) Wear your special occasion underwear on Monday beneath your work clothes.
3) Have your make-up done at a department store
4) Pick-up brochures about exotic places at a Travel Agency (with no travel plans)
5) Write a delicious fantasy in your diary, only for your eyes.
6) Take a test-drive in your dream car
7) Nap under a big quilt
8) Dress up and try on expensive jewelry at Tiffany’s
9) Watch the Sunset
10) Make a list of what you would do with $$ if you won the lottery
10 Extravagant Indulgences
1) Make yourself a hot-fudge sundae with all the trimmings to eat in bed.
2) Invest in sumptuous 400-thread-count sheets
3) Throw a party for no occasion
4) Buy a small bouquet of flowers for your nightstand
5) Travel
6) Take a class, just for fun: Aromatherapy, Scuba-diving, painting
7) Buy yourself silk pajamas
8) Donate to charity anonymously
9) Buy yourself Diamonds
10) Order Room Service
Friday, November 23, 2007
Magical Moonlight
For “many moons”, people have been deeply fascinated by the ever-changing presence of the silvery moon in the night sky. Temples have been erected and dedicated to Luna. The first calendar humankind ever knew was based on a year of thirteen months, the number of times the moon waxed and waned. Moscow is raised and lowered by twenty inches twice a day by the tides, which are affected by the moon. And perhaps no other natural object has starred in so much poetry and literature and music, and the myths and legends of so many cultures. With all that has been said, one thing stays consistent: the moon is female.
Lilith, Diana, Selene, Helen, Hathor, Artemis….the ancient civilizations created many goddesses whose power and influence came from the Moon. Their essence was that of the Moon itself and the Goddesses assume many different forms, just as the Moon does. Some are virginal (in the original meaning of the word: whole unto herself), and some are fertile. These feminine deities were worshipped for what the lunar attributes that they represent: change, transformation, mystery, and creation.
The Moon’s monthly pattern of waxing, full, waning and dark (new) reflects women’s monthly cycle. Menstruation actually means monthly – occurring every lunar month. I have personally noticed when I spend a lot of time with other women; we will all tend to menstruate all within a few days of one another. It has been suggested that in ancient times, before there was artificial light or any chemical contraception, women would ovulate and menstruate at the same time because of the moon’s influence. They would isolate themselves in “Moon Huts” during their “Moon Time” –not because they consider themselves unclean, but as a opportunity to celebrate the mysteries of their femininity together.
The Moon has such a strong influence on the Earth that twice a day, it makes the waters of the oceans ebb and flow. It takes about 1,500,000,000 horsepower for the Moon to drag the tides across the Earth each day. Sheesh, that’s a lot of power! Scientists (those cuties with the white coats and coke-bottle glasses) say that our body is made up of 95% water. With all this power, the Moon must affect us, too, no doubt. Perhaps which is why we attribute craziness to the Full Moon with the term: lunatic.
In ancient spirituality, Pagan, witchcraft, magic, and earth-based religion, the connections to the moon are immeasurable. There are endless amount of spells to attain everything from love to prosperity. Some rituals are performed at when the moon is “right”, drawing on the different energies of the moon’s cycle. In astrology, the moon’s placement in an individual’s chart represents the feminine aspects of the one’s nature.
You may not want to isolate each month in a “Moon Hut” or perform a “Lunar Love-Charm” to celebrate the Full Moon. But next time you see the Full moon up in the sky, take a moment to honor our silvery sister that quietly, but strongly influences our lives.
full moon,
lunar effect,
Magical moonlight
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving - the Holyday of Gratitude
When it comes to celebrating Thanksgiving and this Holyday of Gratitude, I think the Dali Lama said it best:
Everyday, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
How to make an Great Entrance
*Making an entrance at the Dixie Chicks Concert with my lawyer
There is nothing like making a great entrance. That moment when you feel like you are the star in a movie: think Bette Davis in “Beyond the Forest.” Who can forget her entering her new home with her husband and spitting out, “What a dump!!” Or Debbie Reynolds when she pops out of the cake in Singing’ in the Rain” and makes gene Kelly fall in love with her. You must posess a lot of confidence to pull off a great entrance, but it is easier than you think. Below I have listed 10 surefire ways to make a memorable entrance. I have done some of these myself by accident and enjoyed the moment. I have also witnessed—and immensely admired-- the few grand entrances of others. Several of these require some planning, props and a dash of magic – but they are worth it! The best thing is: all of these are great conversation starters that are far more interesting and insightful than the old, “What do you do for a living?”.
Making your entrance: - Bring a fabulous gift for host – One that everyone can see the minute you enter, such as a huge cake, mariachi band, or an orange tree. I once was at a marvelous dinner party in which everyone left the table mid-meal, screaming with excitement over the late arrival. I applauded his skills for making an entrance. Turns out he brought the hostess a painting of himself and hung it on the wall!
Wear something outrageous - You can wear something outrageous by simply wearing something different than what everyone else is wearing. If you just finished your softball league’s tournament, wear your uniform to the restaurant. My failsafe and quick attention-grabber is wearing a pink wig. Its causes such a stir and often is a great way to hide a bad hair day!
Be recognized - have your friends shout out your name when you enter and have them say something you just accomplished, such as she has just ran the Boston Marathon.
Come in laughing - laughing is intoxicating, everyone will want to know what is so funny and be a part of the joy. This one is great to pull off at the last minute. This works at even the most pretentious parties– who wants to be the uptight person who insults the “fun” girl who just arrived?
Transportation - enter on a motorcycle or carried in by several strong men. I once had the inspired idea to kayak to a beach party in Malibu. It was a great idea, but 2 hours later, when I was exhausted from rowing, I nearly gave up on my dream. It paid off; I entered before the sun officially set!
Make your entrance during a great song or at a dramatic moment in a song. Think Kanye West’s, “Gold Digger” or the first bars of Beethoven’s 5th.
Location, location, location – come down the winding staircase, through the back door or out of a cake.
Be announced – Politicians and Royalty are announced with great pomp and circumstance with motorcade processions and trumpets. Religious leaders are often bowed to upon arrival. There are some Buddhists that have the pathway that they walk swept, so that they do not kill any living beings. If a marching band is out of your price range, you can be announced by someone throwing flower petals at your feet.
Bring an exotic animal – Chihuahuas have been done. But there are so many animals in the wild kingdom! I was recently at a CD signing that everyone left to go outside to see the rare and endangered bearcat one of the guests brought. It was a cutie! (Please don’t go kidnapping any animals—only orphans who couldn’t survive in the wild.)
Surprise them – especially if they are not expecting you because someone told everyone you couldn’t make it because you were stuck on a plane, having a baby or taking your final exams.
Don’t forget:
Timing is crucial - it doesn’t matter if you have pink hair or a bearcat if you are too early or too late.
Enjoy the moment:
Follow it with… a witty line, joke or light conversation after you make your entrance. This part is mostly about delivery – make it short & sweet, slightly amuse yourself, pause, then laugh, move on to the bar or a friend, and people will think you are the most charming woman on earth!
Great Entrances,
Making an Entrance
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
New Goddess Workout DVD Releases!
I am very excited!! On January 8th there will be 5 Goddess Workout DVD releases! Cardio Bellydance and Cardio Burlesque are Brand New. Intro to Bellydance, Warrior Goddess & Veils & Finger Cymbals are re-releases with Bonus Features - such as performances by yours truly and fun & educational segments such as "How to Bellydance for your Man", "Lingerie 101", "How to Create a Bellydance Costume" and "How to Create a Bellydance Performance". You can pre-order all of these on Amazon.com. Stay tuned for outrageous, exquisite and inspiring release parties!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Dream Jobs - Do what you love - be a Cubicle Refugee
This morning I swept up my office and was thoroughly captivated by the beauty that lied within my dustpan. In it were coins from bellydance hipscarves, a piece of abalone shell from Hula class, pink feathers from boas in Burlesque class, pieces of hot pink mylar from cheerleading pom poms and some tiny pearls from who knows where. When you are enamored with your own garbage you are either headed for crazyville or have found your path in life. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it's true: I am in love with my job. GoddessLife headquarters is an unconventional workplace that I created by doing what I love to do: dancing, dressing up and empowering women. As much as I like to keep it a secret, I do actually have "real work" such as shipping DVD orders to Target that I squeeze in between the 20 classes held at my studio each week. But I can make even the most tedious work glamorous by strapping on a Brazilian headdress and rhinestone g-string. I struggle to remember to tone it down when the UPS man comes, though it is a challenge since I own more corsets than khakis. I love my job, but it wasn"t always this way.
I was fired from last job of six years. My boss sat me down over his 18th espresso of his day and started his tirade by telling me I was a "wild pony". I was about to say, "thank-you" when he interrupted me with his thick Greek accent to yell at me dramatically, "You are ruining my life" and proceeded to let me go. Yes, I was bellydancing and technically doing what I loved to do. However, I had the dubious distinction of working for the grand-prize winners of the ultimate chauvinistic bosses of all time: Middle-Eastern restaurant and night club owners. If that didnÕt chip away at my self-worth, imagine making a positive contribution to society if you don't wake up before noon! Sometimes I wouldn't officially "clock-in" until 11pm and I was lucky: The best dancers in Cairo donÕt go on until 5am! I thought I had a productive day if I made it to the post office. If that didn't make it a crummy job, envision finding a splotch of babaganoush on your new $1500 jewel-encrusted-velvet bellydance costume.
By the time I was fired, I was swamped with running a business, but was afraid to leave the security of my restaurant income. Being fired was a blessing and helped me to focus on my raison d,etre. The first time I had a glimpse of my purpose in life happened in NYC when I was studying dance during the day and making a living bellydancing at a Moroccan Restaurant at night. My dancer friends talked me into teaching a bellydance class at the restaurant. During the first class I got chills witnessing all the dancers transform into women. It was empowering for me to dance exclusively for women - the origins of bellydance. I named my class The Goddess Workout because I believe all women are Goddesses. After that, doors opened up for me and I came to believe that the things that were synchronistic and fell into my lap were the things I belonged doing. One of my students was a film producer and said lets make a video of your class, which became the first Goddess Workout Video. At the time, there were no bellydance videos on the market and it was not considered as fitness. So I took my class out of the restaurant and introduced bellydance into gyms. My big break happened when one of my students who was taking my class at Crunch Gym wrote The Goddess Workout into an episode of Sex and the City. Everything changed for me. My DVDs got into Target and sold well, very well. I opened up my dream dance studio and uber-girly clubhouse, The Goddess Center. Bellydance is hotter than ever with Shakira and Beyonce bellydancing in their music videos and my classes are filled-to-capacity.
I don't live on Easy Street now that I am my own boss. I work later than I did when I was bellydancing at restaurants, I take a lot of risks and I still break out in a sweat when someone tells me, "No". But knowing that I am living my reason for being, makes me feel like the richest woman on Earth. My best advice for you if you are still struggling to find your purpose in life is to observe the signs you are given. Do you get the chills when you go to Home Depot? Do you feel passionate about animal rights? Are you really good on the internet? Stop trying so hard to figure it out and give notice when things come effortlessly - like a gift. Try new things and keep doing all the things you like. Don't ever feel trapped by the current circumstances in your life. Your path will come to you because it has been in front of you all along. If someone can make actually make a living by having a fun job such as writing OPI nailpolish names, like "I am not really a waitress", you can have the job of your dreams, too!
Do what you love,
Dream Jobs,
Follow your dreams,
Path in Life
Friday, November 9, 2007
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Why we Crave Chocolate
You crave it. I crave it. We all crave it. I’m talking about chocolate, a sweet that’s in a category by itself. But what is so special about chocolate? Why do lovers send a heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day, instead of strawberry pastries or licorice whips? Is it simply the rich and creamy texture and delicious taste? After all, chocolate has over 500 flavor components, more than twice the amount found in strawberry and licorice combined. I took this as an opportunity to do some difficult research that included eating a lot of chocolate. While I was eating squares and truffles by the pound and finding myself happier, other researchers with degrees and funding, such as Danielle Piomelli, were publishing scientific explanations for why we love and crave this confection. Danielle found that chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a natural substance that increases the activity of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love. And there is more! Another neurotransmitter called anandamide has been isolated in chocolate. This one stimulates feelings of euphoria and changes one’s perception of time. The good news keeps coming: there is two other brain chemicals found in chocolate that inhibit the natural breakdown of anandamide. This means that these euphoric feelings will last longer when we eat chocolate.
Benefits of Chocolate
Need more of an incentive to enjoy indulging in chocolate? How about that it may be good for your heart? Presented in February 2002 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences annual meeting, scientists reported evidence that chocolate may keep high blood pressure down, it can also keep your blood flowing and your heart healthy. Here is what they found:
· A substance in cocoa helps the body process nitric oxide, a compound critical for healthy blood flow and blood pressure.
· Flavonols in cocoa prevent fat-like substances in the blood stream from oxidizing and clogging the arteries.
· Cocoa beans contain potent levels of antioxidant properties, as much as, cranberries, strawberries, red wine, apples, tea, and peanuts.
The Delicious and Decadent History of Chocolate
It’s hard to believe that chocolate, as we know it has been around for less than 200 years. The origins of chocolate, however, stretch back at least 4000 years and begin with a tiny little bean called the cacao bean. The cacoa bean is derived from the “Theobroma” tree, which is Greek for “food of the gods”. To the Mayans and Aztecs, consuming chocolate was a privilege reserved for their “gods”. Legend tells us the Aztec emperor Montezuma drank 50 cups of cachautl (chocolate) a day, making him probably the greatest chocoholic of all time. Chocolate was originally served as a beverage in ancient Mexico. The conquering Spaniards changed the name of Montezuma’s cachuatl to chocolatl – and that’s where we get our English name. The gold hungry conquistador Hernando Cortes brought the cacao bean back to Spain in 1528as currency.
100 cacao beans would buy a slave, 12 beans the services of a courtesan and 10 beans for a rabbit. This is where the saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees” derived from. Columbus had actually discovered the cacao beans first, but I suppose he was too busy looking for the ocean route to India to pay any attention to the decadent delight of chocolate. Or, perhaps he disliked the taste, for originally the beverage was thick and bitter and was flavored with cornmeal, chilies, and hallucinogenic mushrooms. When the Spanish first brought chocolate back to Europe, it was still being served as a beverage, but it soon went through an important evolution: the chili pepper was replace by sugar and they left out the mushrooms. The new, sweetened chocolate beverage became such a hit that Spanish society ladies had it served during Mass. When the French latched onto it, Marquis de Sade immediately hailed it as an aphrodisiac and able to cure all ills. The French government slapped heavy taxes on it, further enhancing its status as a drink only the Royal Courts of Europe could afford.
From Beverage to Bar
We have the Mayans and Aztecs to thank for chocolate, but in the hands of the Dutch, English, and Swiss it evolved into its current heavenly form. Two heroes are responsible for the first Chocolate Bar. In 1828, Dutch chocolatier, Conrad van Houten patented a press to extract cocoa butter from the roasted ground beans. And in 1849, English chocolate maker Joseph Fry created the first chocolate bar by using the technology of the steam engine. Today, Switzerland is the chocolate capital of the world, and rightly so with two major developments that occurred in 1879. First, Henri Nestle, a baby food manufacturer developed a way to incorporate condensed milk into the candy, creating milk chocolate. Second, Rudolphe Lindt invented a process called “conching”, which produces a smooth-textured chocolate bar. America’s love affair with chocolate was ignited when Milton Hershey substituted fresh whole milk for the condensed milk in chocolate and the Hershey Bar was born.
My Favorite Chocolate Indulgences
1) Godiva
2) Lindt
3) Hershey’s Kiss
4) Baci-Perugina
5) Toberlone
6) Ghirardelli
7) Scharffen Berger
8) Sees
9) Cadbury
10) Rocher
Why we Crave Chocolate
You crave it. I crave it. We all crave it. I’m talking about chocolate, a sweet that’s in a category by itself. But what is so special about chocolate? Why do lovers send a heart-shaped box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day, instead of strawberry pastries or licorice whips? Is it simply the rich and creamy texture and delicious taste? After all, chocolate has over 500 flavor components, more than twice the amount found in strawberry and licorice combined. I took this as an opportunity to do some difficult research that included eating a lot of chocolate. While I was eating squares and truffles by the pound and finding myself happier, other researchers with degrees and funding, such as Danielle Piomelli, were publishing scientific explanations for why we love and crave this confection. Danielle found that chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a natural substance that increases the activity of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) that stimulate the same reaction in the body as falling in love. And there is more! Another neurotransmitter called anandamide has been isolated in chocolate. This one stimulates feelings of euphoria and changes one’s perception of time. The good news keeps coming: there is two other brain chemicals found in chocolate that inhibit the natural breakdown of anandamide. This means that these euphoric feelings will last longer when we eat chocolate.
Benefits of Chocolate
Need more of an incentive to enjoy indulging in chocolate? How about that it may be good for your heart? Presented in February 2002 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences annual meeting, scientists reported evidence that chocolate may keep high blood pressure down, it can also keep your blood flowing and your heart healthy. Here is what they found:
· A substance in cocoa helps the body process nitric oxide, a compound critical for healthy blood flow and blood pressure.
· Flavonols in cocoa prevent fat-like substances in the blood stream from oxidizing and clogging the arteries.
· Cocoa beans contain potent levels of antioxidant properties, as much as, cranberries, strawberries, red wine, apples, tea, and peanuts.
The Delicious and Decadent History of Chocolate
It’s hard to believe that chocolate, as we know it has been around for less than 200 years. The origins of chocolate, however, stretch back at least 4000 years and begin with a tiny little bean called the cacao bean. The cacoa bean is derived from the “Theobroma” tree, which is Greek for “food of the gods”. To the Mayans and Aztecs, consuming chocolate was a privilege reserved for their “gods”. Legend tells us the Aztec emperor Montezuma drank 50 cups of cachautl (chocolate) a day, making him probably the greatest chocoholic of all time. Chocolate was originally served as a beverage in ancient Mexico. The conquering Spaniards changed the name of Montezuma’s cachuatl to chocolatl – and that’s where we get our English name. The gold hungry conquistador Hernando Cortes brought the cacao bean back to Spain in 1528as currency.
100 cacao beans would buy a slave, 12 beans the services of a courtesan and 10 beans for a rabbit. This is where the saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees” derived from. Columbus had actually discovered the cacao beans first, but I suppose he was too busy looking for the ocean route to India to pay any attention to the decadent delight of chocolate. Or, perhaps he disliked the taste, for originally the beverage was thick and bitter and was flavored with cornmeal, chilies, and hallucinogenic mushrooms. When the Spanish first brought chocolate back to Europe, it was still being served as a beverage, but it soon went through an important evolution: the chili pepper was replace by sugar and they left out the mushrooms. The new, sweetened chocolate beverage became such a hit that Spanish society ladies had it served during Mass. When the French latched onto it, Marquis de Sade immediately hailed it as an aphrodisiac and able to cure all ills. The French government slapped heavy taxes on it, further enhancing its status as a drink only the Royal Courts of Europe could afford.
From Beverage to Bar
We have the Mayans and Aztecs to thank for chocolate, but in the hands of the Dutch, English, and Swiss it evolved into its current heavenly form. Two heroes are responsible for the first Chocolate Bar. In 1828, Dutch chocolatier, Conrad van Houten patented a press to extract cocoa butter from the roasted ground beans. And in 1849, English chocolate maker Joseph Fry created the first chocolate bar by using the technology of the steam engine. Today, Switzerland is the chocolate capital of the world, and rightly so with two major developments that occurred in 1879. First, Henri Nestle, a baby food manufacturer developed a way to incorporate condensed milk into the candy, creating milk chocolate. Second, Rudolphe Lindt invented a process called “conching”, which produces a smooth-textured chocolate bar. America’s love affair with chocolate was ignited when Milton Hershey substituted fresh whole milk for the condensed milk in chocolate and the Hershey Bar was born.
My Favorite Chocolate Indulgences
1) Godiva
2) Lindt
3) Hershey’s Kiss
4) Baci-Perugina
5) Toberlone
6) Ghirardelli
7) Scharffen Berger
8) Sees
9) Cadbury
10) Rocher
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Top 25 Goddess Movies
Watch these Goddess movies for inspiration. Some of the protagonists are gorgeous, funny, powerful, sassy, courageous, talented, wicked, smart, and all have the Goddess attitude in spades. Rent one when you need a lift; when you need a reminder that the world is filled with possibilities. While we may not want to find ourselves leaving our husband, accused of murder or making an entrance in a nightclub on a swing, seeing other women facing these situations with such aplomb give us the confidence to face our own lives with the same joie de vivre.
Goddess Movies
1) Breakfast at Tiffany’s
2) The Muse
3) Gilda
4) Auntie Mame
5) Legally Blonde
6) Barbarella
7) Blue Crush
8) Thelma and Louise
9) Moulin Rouge
10) Fried Green Tomatoes
11) The Girl Can’t Help It
12) Cleopatra
13) Kama Sutra
14) Frida
15) Henry and June
16) The Philadelphia Story
17) La Femme Nikita
18) 9-5
19) Gypsy
20) Funny Girl
21) Private Benjamin
22) Gigi
23) Desperately Seeking Susan
24) Clueless
25) Coal Miner’s Daughter
Goddess Movies
1) Breakfast at Tiffany’s
2) The Muse
3) Gilda
4) Auntie Mame
5) Legally Blonde
6) Barbarella
7) Blue Crush
8) Thelma and Louise
9) Moulin Rouge
10) Fried Green Tomatoes
11) The Girl Can’t Help It
12) Cleopatra
13) Kama Sutra
14) Frida
15) Henry and June
16) The Philadelphia Story
17) La Femme Nikita
18) 9-5
19) Gypsy
20) Funny Girl
21) Private Benjamin
22) Gigi
23) Desperately Seeking Susan
24) Clueless
25) Coal Miner’s Daughter
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
How to Bellydance for Your Man
So you’ve found somebody worthy of your dance and you’re about to make him the luckiest guy around… This is a great gift you are giving, and no matter what you do this will be a night he’ll always remember.
o Choose music that is sensual and inspiring to you, and something that sets a romantic or intimate tone. Aim to dance for 3-5 minutes.
o Select a costume that makes you feel sexy and beautiful, and feels good to wear and dance in. Make sure that it is soft to his touch…velvet or silk fabrics are great for dances in the boudoir. Also, you might want to make sure that the costume is easy to remove.
Create an Atmosphere:
o Create an atmosphere that makes you feel sensual and empowered. You can light candles or dim the lights and place flowers or veils around the room, creating an intimate space.
o Make sure that you will be free if interruptions like cell phones or anything else that might disturb your ultimate one-on-one atmosphere.
o The Veil is a great way to enter for a boudoir performance. It gives the illusion that you are taking something off and there are lots of seductive tricks that you can do wit it.
o You can wrap it around his neck to show your power, or tease him a little bit with it.
o Eye contact: This is how you keep your power. If you are not comfortable with eye contact yet and you need to look down, be sure to look at your beautiful hips and body and admire yourself as a goddess.
o If nerves set in…have back up moves to do if you forget and keep in mind, what a lucky man he is! Even just one move is enough for him.
o Don’t be afraid to get down on the floor or up on to the bed… you can shimmy in virtually any position.
Make sure that you end the performance on your terms. If he can’t keep his hands off of you, you can give him the playful “no no” finger, and play hard to get… this will make it more fun for everyone.
End the performance how YOU want to end it… however that may be!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
How to Select and Serve Champagne
Though rich people have been enjoying champagne for centuries, bubbly is more popular today than it has ever been in history. In fact, it was during the decades after the Champagne region in France was bombed to rubble in World War II that the popularity of the nectar exploded. In the twenty years following the War, worldwide consumption of champagne quadrupled and is still rising.
Select a Bottle of Champagne
Sure it’s an appropriate gift to give a Goddess, but don’t let someone else have all the fun. After studying this chapter, you will be equipped to buy yourself some bubbly in a store and restaurant.
The first thing you will need to determine is which brand and year you intend to order. By definition, true “champagne” comes only from that region of France that bears the same name. Specifically, the Champagne region is 90 miles northeast of Paris, close to the Belgian border. Most wines are named after vineyards, while champagnes are named for the houses that produce them. These houses produce various brands known as marques. When you select a bottle of champagne, it will be these marques from which you must choose:
Charles Heidsieck
Moet et Chandon
G.H. Mumm
Joseph Perrier
Vueve Cliquot-Ponsardin
Unlike many wines, one needn’t sample decade’s worth of champagnes to identify a good year. Champagne is typically held for up to five years by the manufacturing house. When it’s eventually released for purchase, it should be consumed within two years. Choosing young champagne, therefore, is not considered gauche. Also, champagne is often blended across years. For champagne to be considered of a particular year’s vintage, at least 80% of the grapes used in producing it must have been harvested in that year. The remaining 20% of the grapes, therefore, can be from other years. Vintners will often blend their champagnes with the “greatest hits” from across the years, which leads to a more uniform quality of beverage. This is why choosing any particular vintage of champagne is not important -- all those of a given marque are quite similar.
Size of Bottle
One tricky thing about champagne is the size of the bottle. I know, you’re probably thinking: “What are you talking about!?” But trust me, champagne comes in a whole universe of sizes, and basic economics tells us that we should buy only as much as we need and no more!
Magnum 2 bottles
Jeroboam 4 bottles
Rehoboam 6 bottles
Methuselah 8 bottles
Salmanazar 12 bottles
Balthazar 16 bottles
Nebuchandnezzar 20 bottles
If you have the occasion to bust out the Nebuchadnezzar, please invite me! You now know that those oversized bottles in vintners’ window aren’t advertising gimmicks. If you are dining alone, or want to order champagne to accompany dessert, it is cuter, and more affordable, to order a half-bottle. This will pour out to slightly more than two full glasses. The Magnum comes in handy if you are on a double date, or for a corporate dinner party.
Prepare, Open, and Pour the Champagne
I will tell you how to get through this process, but just like any new hobby, you are going to have to practice before you get the confidence and skill to pull this off for a big occasion.
Champagne is best enjoyed at a cool temperature. You should be looking to pour it form the bottle at 43 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit or 7 degrees Celsius. If your bottle isn’t yet cool, you can chill it by either placing it in the refrigerator for a few hours or by placing it in a bucket filled with a mixture of ice and water. If you need to chill it in a hurry, throw a handful of salt into that slush, this will reduce its temperature below zero and speed the chilling. Under no circumstance should you ever leave champagne to chill in your freezer it will disturb the balance of the alcohol and ruin all that lovely expensive liquid.
Remove Cork
There are a few layers you need to cut through before you even get to the cork. First, pull off just enough foil to reveal the cork. The cork itself is protected in a wire cage. On the side of that cage, you will see a section of wire twisted into a cute little handle. Pull that handle away from the side of the cage and untwist the wire. Be careful as you do so, and point the cork away from yourself – there’s a reason that wire is there. The cork can erupt at any time, so keep a tight hold on it. Then, firmly gripping the cork with one hand, use your other hand to twist the bottle slowly and smoothly. You want the cork to emerge from the bottle with a gentle sigh, not a raucous pop. Finally, while you are uncorking the bottle, you should keep a glass or two handy because if you do it wrong, you will need something to catch all the champagne as it comes flowing out of the bottle.
Selecting your glass deserves a little bit of consideration. There are two classic types of champagne glasses: the coupe and the flute. The coupe was designed to allow the greatest surface area for the release of bubbles, which feels vampy and fun as they burst upon your face. The flute on the other hand, captures the bubbles and ensures they are released more evenly across the duration of the glass. Whichever you choose, be sure to clean it with only water and not soap, it can interfere with bubbles and taste. Oh, and you should definitely consider using a crystal glass. The surface of crystal is rougher than ordinary glass, which stimulates more bubbles in your champagne. Once your glasses are selected and placed, hold the bottle by placing your thumb into the dimple at the bottom of the bottom, which is known as the “punt” and splay your fingers across the barrel of the bottle. Next pour a small splash into the bottom of each glass then continue to fill each glass until its 2/3rds full. This process will help to prevent the champagne from foaming over, and help keep the precious fluid from spilling on the floor.
So we have finally gotten to the stage where you can indulge. Not so fast, first you need to know how to hold the stuff. The reason champagne glasses have long stems is so that the heat of your hand will stay well away from the champagne, keeping the beverage closer to its optimal chilled temperature. As you indulge in your new-found hobby more and more, you alone will be the best judge of your favorite champagnes.
Select a Bottle of Champagne
Sure it’s an appropriate gift to give a Goddess, but don’t let someone else have all the fun. After studying this chapter, you will be equipped to buy yourself some bubbly in a store and restaurant.
The first thing you will need to determine is which brand and year you intend to order. By definition, true “champagne” comes only from that region of France that bears the same name. Specifically, the Champagne region is 90 miles northeast of Paris, close to the Belgian border. Most wines are named after vineyards, while champagnes are named for the houses that produce them. These houses produce various brands known as marques. When you select a bottle of champagne, it will be these marques from which you must choose:
Charles Heidsieck
Moet et Chandon
G.H. Mumm
Joseph Perrier
Vueve Cliquot-Ponsardin
Unlike many wines, one needn’t sample decade’s worth of champagnes to identify a good year. Champagne is typically held for up to five years by the manufacturing house. When it’s eventually released for purchase, it should be consumed within two years. Choosing young champagne, therefore, is not considered gauche. Also, champagne is often blended across years. For champagne to be considered of a particular year’s vintage, at least 80% of the grapes used in producing it must have been harvested in that year. The remaining 20% of the grapes, therefore, can be from other years. Vintners will often blend their champagnes with the “greatest hits” from across the years, which leads to a more uniform quality of beverage. This is why choosing any particular vintage of champagne is not important -- all those of a given marque are quite similar.
Size of Bottle
One tricky thing about champagne is the size of the bottle. I know, you’re probably thinking: “What are you talking about!?” But trust me, champagne comes in a whole universe of sizes, and basic economics tells us that we should buy only as much as we need and no more!
Magnum 2 bottles
Jeroboam 4 bottles
Rehoboam 6 bottles
Methuselah 8 bottles
Salmanazar 12 bottles
Balthazar 16 bottles
Nebuchandnezzar 20 bottles
If you have the occasion to bust out the Nebuchadnezzar, please invite me! You now know that those oversized bottles in vintners’ window aren’t advertising gimmicks. If you are dining alone, or want to order champagne to accompany dessert, it is cuter, and more affordable, to order a half-bottle. This will pour out to slightly more than two full glasses. The Magnum comes in handy if you are on a double date, or for a corporate dinner party.
Prepare, Open, and Pour the Champagne
I will tell you how to get through this process, but just like any new hobby, you are going to have to practice before you get the confidence and skill to pull this off for a big occasion.
Champagne is best enjoyed at a cool temperature. You should be looking to pour it form the bottle at 43 to 48 degrees Fahrenheit or 7 degrees Celsius. If your bottle isn’t yet cool, you can chill it by either placing it in the refrigerator for a few hours or by placing it in a bucket filled with a mixture of ice and water. If you need to chill it in a hurry, throw a handful of salt into that slush, this will reduce its temperature below zero and speed the chilling. Under no circumstance should you ever leave champagne to chill in your freezer it will disturb the balance of the alcohol and ruin all that lovely expensive liquid.
Remove Cork
There are a few layers you need to cut through before you even get to the cork. First, pull off just enough foil to reveal the cork. The cork itself is protected in a wire cage. On the side of that cage, you will see a section of wire twisted into a cute little handle. Pull that handle away from the side of the cage and untwist the wire. Be careful as you do so, and point the cork away from yourself – there’s a reason that wire is there. The cork can erupt at any time, so keep a tight hold on it. Then, firmly gripping the cork with one hand, use your other hand to twist the bottle slowly and smoothly. You want the cork to emerge from the bottle with a gentle sigh, not a raucous pop. Finally, while you are uncorking the bottle, you should keep a glass or two handy because if you do it wrong, you will need something to catch all the champagne as it comes flowing out of the bottle.
Selecting your glass deserves a little bit of consideration. There are two classic types of champagne glasses: the coupe and the flute. The coupe was designed to allow the greatest surface area for the release of bubbles, which feels vampy and fun as they burst upon your face. The flute on the other hand, captures the bubbles and ensures they are released more evenly across the duration of the glass. Whichever you choose, be sure to clean it with only water and not soap, it can interfere with bubbles and taste. Oh, and you should definitely consider using a crystal glass. The surface of crystal is rougher than ordinary glass, which stimulates more bubbles in your champagne. Once your glasses are selected and placed, hold the bottle by placing your thumb into the dimple at the bottom of the bottom, which is known as the “punt” and splay your fingers across the barrel of the bottle. Next pour a small splash into the bottom of each glass then continue to fill each glass until its 2/3rds full. This process will help to prevent the champagne from foaming over, and help keep the precious fluid from spilling on the floor.
So we have finally gotten to the stage where you can indulge. Not so fast, first you need to know how to hold the stuff. The reason champagne glasses have long stems is so that the heat of your hand will stay well away from the champagne, keeping the beverage closer to its optimal chilled temperature. As you indulge in your new-found hobby more and more, you alone will be the best judge of your favorite champagnes.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Bellydance Costumes
A professional bellydancer’s costumes are one of the tools of her trade….
Simple and Accessible costume items:
A simple hip scarf or coin belt will do, it accentuates your hip movements and adds an audible element to your shimmy.
If you only buy one thing… buy a hip scarf or coin belt.
You can wear simple workout wear like I wore earlier and dress it up with a hip scarf or coin belt.
More Elaborate Costumes:
For those of you who have a fascination with the more elaborate costumes, here’s a head to toe look at what you should look for in making or buying a costume. There are many styles of bellydance and the costume should reflect your style.
Should be Beautiful as well as functional.
Usually extremely ornate and reinforced to support the weight of the decorative beads and coins. If you are making a costume – begin with a strong, supportive bra, the design of the bra should match your belt.
Fits snuggly around the hips, leaving the belly free to perform figure eights, shimmies. The belt can weigh up to 8lbs. The beads, in addition to being decorative, swing and glisten with the dancer and make subtle steps visible from a distance. Egyptian style has long beaded fringe – while ATS have coins – which originally derived from the dancer sewing the coin onto her costume to show her wealth.
For cabaret style bellydance, the dancer wears one or more circle skirts, made of 6-10 yards of fabric that create a circle when the dancer spins. There are many other skirt designs that complement the style of dance performed. For instance Egyptian dancers often wear the mermaid skirt which is form-fitting from the hips to the knee, then flares out – which highlight the feet – which is performed on the feet.
Belly Jewel
Eye Jewels
Flower for Hair
Arm Bands
My costumes
All have names
Barbarella Warrior Goddess
Champagne Toast
From Russia with Love
Sea Shells
Sometimes I Make my own – and sometimes I have a Seamstress make them.
Its time to go make yours and send me pics of yours - I love costumes!!
Friday, September 21, 2007
How to Create a Bellydance Performance
Once you tell people that you are learning to bellydance, chances are they will ask you to perform at their next party. I recommend accepting the offer just to have a unique experience – even if it is just once. Chances are you will enjoy it as will the guests and you will perform again.
o Aim to dance for 3-5 minutes
o Choose Music with steady beat and is inspiring: Something upbeat that will get the audience exited right away.
o Find out how much space you have
o Choose a costume that makes you feel beautiful and doesn’t restrict your movements. Make sure the costume is pinned so you don’t have any unwanted surprises.
Create an atmosphere:
o Flowers or candles
o Make room: Clear your space at the party.
Devising your own routine:
o Where to begin?
o Making an entrance with a traveling step or if surrounded by an audience move in a circle
o Basic moves…Don’t need a vast repertoire of different moves to create a good performance. It is much better to perform fewer moves wel and with great energy and confidence than to get over complicated
o Eye contact: This is how you keep your power.
o Confidence
o If nerves set in…have a backup move in case anything interrupts your choreography.
o The thing everyone notices when you are performing is not how many snake hips you do, but just how you do them. The audience will notice your spirit, enjoying the dance, your confidence.
o Do a dress rehearsal…
o At the end of your performance hold your pause and enjoy.
o It’s all about attitude! Don’t worry about what people are thinking… your delight in performing will be reflected in the faces of your audience.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Lingerie 101
Welcome to Lingerie 101 – I am your Professor, expert- tease for class today. We are going to study the relationship between lingerie & burlesque.
We owe the concept of lingerie being visually appealing to Burlesque. It wasn’t until Burlesque and the golden era of the pin-up that lingerie became fashion. Before that lingerie was just for practical reasons.
Lingerie is essential to Burlesque dancing – whether you take it all off, or playful strut around in it. I recommend wearing your favorite lingerie under your work clothes to perk up that meeting you are dreading. As a Burlesque goddess, these top 10 must- know lingerie items and there will be a quiz.
Formerly known as pajamas, but we’re showgirls now.. is “sleepwear”…what you technically would wear to bed.
A floor-length nightgown with matching panties
The negligee is a knee-length nightgown
The negligee was made the epitome of sensuality in the 1941 photo of Rita Hayworth in Life Magazine.
Baby Doll
A babydoll is a short nightgown – the length of a minidress. They are usually considered provocative in a sweet way.
It is said the name was popularized by the 1956 movie Baby Doll starring Carroll Baker in the title role, which essentially marked the beginning of the enduring popularity of the style for adults
A teddy is a form of bodysuit-like lingerie, which combines a camisole and panty in one piece.
The teddy is normally worn for the seductive look, rather than practical reasons – like sleeping.
We will begin with undergarments, in other words, What you wear under clothes
A lot has been written about the brassiere – or bra. Most important tip I can give you about a bra is to make sure you are wearing the right size. A friend of mine wore the wrong sized bra and I recommended her going into a lingerie store to get properly fit and now, things are looking up!
You can add trim to spice up any store bought bra and make it more of a costume.
· Made of stiff material, like boning, and is typically laced up in the back
· Originally intended to mold and shape the torso for a desired body look that was in fashion.
· Who can forget the Famous corset scene in Gone With the Wind- 18’ waste of Scarlett O’Hara.
· It looks like a cross between a bra and a corset.
· Its primary purpose is to push up the bust
Merry Widow
· Corset with a built-in bra and Garters
· First made to coincide with the 1952 film “The Merry Widow” starting Lana Turner
· Many different variations of panties, but you should wear what’s comfortable and makes you feel sexy and consider what you’re wearing as outerwear to make sure you don’t show a panty line.
· Bikini, string bikini,
· Boy-shorts
· G-string, thong (the difference is a thong is about an inch wide, where the g-string is a string – it was the Brazilian’s gift to the world) ,
· Tap pants (Not practical as underwear, but something that you would wear as a burlesque dancer – for its retro style.)
· Garters are items of clothing originally used to keep stockings up, but nowadays it is used for fashion and not function.
· A garter is often worn by newlywed brides. It is the groom's privilege to remove the garter and toss it to the male guests.
Garter belt
· A return to retro styled garter belts and stockings has become especially popular due to the ultra feminine iconization of pin up girls of the past.
This is the end of class..for extra credit, wear your favorite lingerie during your next workout.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Celebrate the Goddess Yemaya
This ritual is originally from Brazil, however you can ask Yemaya to bless you with this ritual from anywhere! You can do with a friend, a group or by yourself.
Create a sacred space
Pick a body of water that you feel most safe and sacred. You don’t need to be physically there. It can be a waterfall, a pool, lake, stream, ocean or your bathtub.
Define your desires
Write your dreams, goals, and desires. Be specific. You can write them in a journal, speak into a tape recorder.
Put on some white clothes that make you feel pure and ready to start fresh. Find a flower or bunch that are in full bloom.
If you can get to your special place physically, find a comfortable place to sit. Have your flower in your hands. Otherwise, close your eyes and imagine that you are there – smelling, hearing, feeling everything you would if you were there. Float on your back and surrender to Yemaya, allow her to hold you. Now, think of your desires. Release them to Yemaya. Ask her to take your dreams and send them back to you how she sees best fit for you. Acknowledge to Yemaya that it is not within your power to manifest your goals, but she has the power to bless you. Ask her to illuminate the path to your dreams, so that you see the signs along the way. Promise to her that you will do your part. Pray to her that you recognize what your dream will look like once she has returned it to you. Now gently open up your eyes and look at the ripe flower in your hand. Look at how open and full it is. This is your dreams and how they will look.
Truly surrender your wish to Yemaya and give thanks in advance for her blessing by placing your flower in water. You can release your own will by throwing the flower into the ocean, a shallow bowl or your bathtub, saying, “It is done! Blessed Be!”
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Waterfall Ritual in Hawaii
The day Martha captured these images was transformative, powerful, and magical. I was at a private waterfall that was once an ancient Hawaiian birthing pool with a group of women from my GoddessLife Teacher Training retreat. We were all wearing white, as they do on New Year’s Eve in Brazil to honor Yemaya, Goddess of the Ocean thought to be the essence of motherhood and birth. As we entered the lush tropical rainforest surrounding the waterfall, Hawaiian-born Hiwa chanted to her ancestors to ask permission for us to be on the aina(land). Then one by one, each woman released a red hibiscus flower into the waterfall, asking Yemaya help us make our dreams into reality. To honor, celebrate and truly connect with Yemaya, I danced in the waterfall. Dancing in the heart of nature united me with the Goddess and made me feel sacred, feminine, and empowered. With my feet feeling the strength and stability of the rocks, my hands brushing the sky like wings, the water rushing over my body, I truly felt connected with the divine. The message was clear: To dance your dreams, dance where you feel most sacred!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Roman Sea Glass
This necklace is a piece of Roman sea glass that is over 2000 years old! One of my favorite indulgences is imagining the lives of belly dancers in ancient Rome, especially in the time of Cleopatra. Maybe the Egyptian queen herself practiced her hip circles while floating down the Nile on her barge with purple silk sails saturated in rose oil. I imagine villages knew she was passing when they smelled roses. Maybe the rose oil was kept in mint green glass bottles and one made its way to the sea, and ultimately, to me!
Or maybe a woman drank from an green glass in between her undulations during the three-days of belly dance that is still a part of rural middle eastern birth rituals.
More than these fantasies, I love the enduring quality of belly dance. This ancient art form still exists because women need it. The archetypal movements--so deeply embedded in the natural motion of our bodies-- are an integral part of being of a woman. I wear this necklace to connect me to this powerful legacy that unites us all.
Or maybe a woman drank from an green glass in between her undulations during the three-days of belly dance that is still a part of rural middle eastern birth rituals.
More than these fantasies, I love the enduring quality of belly dance. This ancient art form still exists because women need it. The archetypal movements--so deeply embedded in the natural motion of our bodies-- are an integral part of being of a woman. I wear this necklace to connect me to this powerful legacy that unites us all.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
We are all Goddesses
As I looked into the water, an image of divine femininity gazed back at me, one that I didn’t even recognize! I was amazed and humbled, as were the women surrounding me.
The image reinforced my belief in the importance of women finding the powerful goddess within themselves.
Bellydance belongs to all women; it is how we express our own inner Goddess.
Look at the other bellydancers around you. They are all Goddesses. We must resist the temptation to think that our interpretation and the way we experience bellydance is the definitive and correct way to dance. This philosophy chips away at our individual self-esteem and deprives us of the chance to make women our allies.
This art has given us all so much. Who better than other bellydancers to delight in sharing in its riches?
When you begin to see and acknowledge the many magnificent qualities in other bellydancers, even if they dance differently than you, you will begin to feel the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood. This is how we will make a difference as women, united.
We are all Goddesses.
The image reinforced my belief in the importance of women finding the powerful goddess within themselves.
Bellydance belongs to all women; it is how we express our own inner Goddess.
Look at the other bellydancers around you. They are all Goddesses. We must resist the temptation to think that our interpretation and the way we experience bellydance is the definitive and correct way to dance. This philosophy chips away at our individual self-esteem and deprives us of the chance to make women our allies.
This art has given us all so much. Who better than other bellydancers to delight in sharing in its riches?
When you begin to see and acknowledge the many magnificent qualities in other bellydancers, even if they dance differently than you, you will begin to feel the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood. This is how we will make a difference as women, united.
We are all Goddesses.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
You don’t need a big budget or months of preparation to host a Goddess Party that looks luxe, and most importantly: one you and your friends will enjoy. Just follow these few Essential Hostess Tips and this Goddess Party Outline.
Essential Hostess Tips
Setting the mood. They don’t call it “throwing a party” for nothing. Take your sparkling party and throw it in the air. You don’t know where it will land, and that is part of the fun. Just follow the outline, don’t script the entire evening moment to moment. All the accidents, unexpected guests, overlooked things that force you to improvise give your party panache. Let them happen and make the party memorable. Keep it simple. When in doubt, narrow choices like menu and décor. Err on the side of simplicity, too many options just muddle the mix and cost you time and money. Relax and enjoy your party. That means when the festivities kick off, stop working and whatever you do, refrain from asking people if they are having a good time. Allow yourself to have a real conversation and a real laugh without looking around making sure everyone has a drink. Don’t apologize for the unexpected – get creative and let others help.
Goddess Party Outline
Invites – Remember that Goddesses make the Goddess Party. Invite fresh faces, guests of different backgrounds, generations, and persuasions. Have fun with the invites – this sets the mood of the entire party. Let them know the specifics: time, date, place, attire, what to bring with your own personal style. For a switch, include the Party Favor with the invite to be used as the key to admission. Great party favors for your Bellydance Goddess Party are Finger Cymbals (a pair for $7.50 or set of 4 for $15)
Drinks – Set up a self-serve bar and stock it with water (fancify it in a glass pitcher with slices of lemon & orange), exotic fruit juices like guava, mango, or peach, and a bottle of champagne. Allow your guests to serve themselves, and to decide whether or not to mix the champagne with.
Food – Since they will be Bellydancing, no need to stuff your guests. Serve fruit like grapes & berries, and quick energy treats like cookies & biscuits. Make it more sensual with a pot of chocolate fondue for dipping.
Décor – Let your guests feel like they are in another world by engaging all the senses. Place fragrant flowers or candles all over your house (including bathroom). Scatter rose petals on the floor. Load your CD player with a random-play mix of intoxicating, chill-out, and danceable music. Suggestions: Buddha Bar, Goddess Workout, Shakira. Make the room where you are going to Bellydance a Casbah by draping fabric along the walls and placing pillows on the floor along the walls. Move out the furniture creating enough room for each Goddess to shimmy. Cue up the Goddess Workout video and place your TV so that everyone can see.
Activities and Entertainment – Have each of your guests bring a T-shirt or scarf to be decorated with rhinestones. Get a Bedazzler or two with a wide variety color rhinestones (fast-drying glue and glitter will give the same effect). After they’ve finished designing a gift they can take home, it’s time for you and your guests to shimmy to the Casbah wearing their creation. While doing The Goddess Workout Bellydance Fitness Video for the first time with your guests is a blast, you can also prepare a few moves in advance to teach them.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Recipes for a Gourmet Nap
When Coco Chanel declared that she stayed in most nights to avoid bad wine and bad conversation, she had good reason. A Goddess needs to withdraw from the madness of urban living to enjoy an evening or an afternoon of rest. You need time to let thoughts settle, to have strokes of genius and deep quiet reflection. You need this time to get in touch with the real and authentic you, without responsibilities, give yourself freedom to dance, dream and to chill-out to your heart’s content.
Learn To Do Nothing
We are all guilty of biting off more than we can chew, doing too much and subsequently running on empty. When we are under stress, be it stuck in a traffic jam or on a job interview, our bodies undergo physiological changes. Andrenaline races throughout our veins, raising our cortisol levels – one of the main stress hormones. Eventually, our adrenal glands can become fatigued. This causes a depletion of thyroxin (a hormone that controls our metabolism), which leaves us feeling very un-Goddesslike and even ill. Being constantly productive can be extremely unproductive. We must learn to do nothing and value time to rest, lounge and goof-off.
Goof-off, lounging and relaxing ideas:
1) Take your coffee and the newspaper back to bed with you on Sunday
2) Have a cup of tea in your yard late at night, looking at the stars
3) Sit outside and listen to the birds
4) Drive to the closest body of water and put your feet in
5) Go to a nearby playground and play on the swings
6) Go to an observation point or scenic overlook
7) Go shell-hunting on a beach
8) Pick up bubbles and pinwheels at the five-and-dime
9) Sit on your porch or in your open window and breathe in fresh air.
10) Compose a personal ad
11) Set up a hammock and lay in it
Sleeping is Essential
While you sleep, a complex physiological process is taking place. Sophisticated sequences of brain waves rejuvenate your mind and body. Surrendering to slumber does more than just avoid fatigue; sleep is essential to your health and well-being.
If you are a perfectionist, you might work too hard even at getting sleep. You know it’s essential to sleep, but the more you try to control sleep, the more elusive it becomes. If you are suffering from insomnia – and I know it is suffering – here are some ways that have helped me calm my mind and sleep better:
· Put lavender oil or spray on your pillow – lavender has many healing properties, including calming the mind
· Drink a cup of hot milk – contains tryptophane, a natural sleep inducer
· Take a warm bath – It may seem like a lot of work when you’re exhausted, but it sure beats tossing and turning. It truly relaxes the mind.
· Read a fat little book – but not the kind that will keep you turning pages until dawn, perhaps Dostoevsky: brilliant but with Russian character name impossible to pronounce and family trees difficult to follow.
· Avoid: eating 3-4 hours before bedtime, late-nite take-out that may contain MSG, and coffee or tea after 5pm
· Music can take you into dreamland – Try nature sounds like oceans, rainforest, waterfalls.
· Distance yourself from alarm clocks. They can cause you to fret about the lateness of the hour, and how long you have been trying to sleep. Have someone else wake you up, so you can stop worrying about over-sleeping.
· Before going to bed, make a list of everything you need to do, as well as the other things that are bothering and pressuring you. Put it away and reassure yourself that you will take care of it tomorrow; this will enable you to relax and sleep.
In America, we are pressured by the need to be productive at all times. If you aren’t checking something off your list, you’re considered lazy. Americans do not have time to rest. In Mediterranean countries, it’s the opposite. People who don’t nap are considered odd. In Italy, Spain, Greece, India and the South of France, the siesta is a sacred, post lunch, digestive ritual observed by all, except tourists.
The only Americans that are allowed to sleep guilt-free for an hour in the middle of the day are children. The need to nap is so clear. When kids are being crabby, snippy, whiney and spacey we say they need sleep. Newsflash: grown-ups are subject to the same irritability and mood swings if they are not sleeping well. As adults, we deserve the same consideration we give children. As Goddesses, we will nap when we need one and indulge when we simply want one.
Recipe for a Gourmet Nap
· After a big meal
· On the beach, grass, sunny bedroom or in yoga class
· With a perfect companion, like a cat
· Wearing the Satin Goddesswear Sleep Mask (carry it with you at all times)
· Turn the telephone off
· Turn on relaxing music
· Surround yourself with cozy blankets, pillows (just like a baby)
Learn To Do Nothing
We are all guilty of biting off more than we can chew, doing too much and subsequently running on empty. When we are under stress, be it stuck in a traffic jam or on a job interview, our bodies undergo physiological changes. Andrenaline races throughout our veins, raising our cortisol levels – one of the main stress hormones. Eventually, our adrenal glands can become fatigued. This causes a depletion of thyroxin (a hormone that controls our metabolism), which leaves us feeling very un-Goddesslike and even ill. Being constantly productive can be extremely unproductive. We must learn to do nothing and value time to rest, lounge and goof-off.
Goof-off, lounging and relaxing ideas:
1) Take your coffee and the newspaper back to bed with you on Sunday
2) Have a cup of tea in your yard late at night, looking at the stars
3) Sit outside and listen to the birds
4) Drive to the closest body of water and put your feet in
5) Go to a nearby playground and play on the swings
6) Go to an observation point or scenic overlook
7) Go shell-hunting on a beach
8) Pick up bubbles and pinwheels at the five-and-dime
9) Sit on your porch or in your open window and breathe in fresh air.
10) Compose a personal ad
11) Set up a hammock and lay in it
Sleeping is Essential
While you sleep, a complex physiological process is taking place. Sophisticated sequences of brain waves rejuvenate your mind and body. Surrendering to slumber does more than just avoid fatigue; sleep is essential to your health and well-being.
If you are a perfectionist, you might work too hard even at getting sleep. You know it’s essential to sleep, but the more you try to control sleep, the more elusive it becomes. If you are suffering from insomnia – and I know it is suffering – here are some ways that have helped me calm my mind and sleep better:
· Put lavender oil or spray on your pillow – lavender has many healing properties, including calming the mind
· Drink a cup of hot milk – contains tryptophane, a natural sleep inducer
· Take a warm bath – It may seem like a lot of work when you’re exhausted, but it sure beats tossing and turning. It truly relaxes the mind.
· Read a fat little book – but not the kind that will keep you turning pages until dawn, perhaps Dostoevsky: brilliant but with Russian character name impossible to pronounce and family trees difficult to follow.
· Avoid: eating 3-4 hours before bedtime, late-nite take-out that may contain MSG, and coffee or tea after 5pm
· Music can take you into dreamland – Try nature sounds like oceans, rainforest, waterfalls.
· Distance yourself from alarm clocks. They can cause you to fret about the lateness of the hour, and how long you have been trying to sleep. Have someone else wake you up, so you can stop worrying about over-sleeping.
· Before going to bed, make a list of everything you need to do, as well as the other things that are bothering and pressuring you. Put it away and reassure yourself that you will take care of it tomorrow; this will enable you to relax and sleep.
In America, we are pressured by the need to be productive at all times. If you aren’t checking something off your list, you’re considered lazy. Americans do not have time to rest. In Mediterranean countries, it’s the opposite. People who don’t nap are considered odd. In Italy, Spain, Greece, India and the South of France, the siesta is a sacred, post lunch, digestive ritual observed by all, except tourists.
The only Americans that are allowed to sleep guilt-free for an hour in the middle of the day are children. The need to nap is so clear. When kids are being crabby, snippy, whiney and spacey we say they need sleep. Newsflash: grown-ups are subject to the same irritability and mood swings if they are not sleeping well. As adults, we deserve the same consideration we give children. As Goddesses, we will nap when we need one and indulge when we simply want one.
Recipe for a Gourmet Nap
· After a big meal
· On the beach, grass, sunny bedroom or in yoga class
· With a perfect companion, like a cat
· Wearing the Satin Goddesswear Sleep Mask (carry it with you at all times)
· Turn the telephone off
· Turn on relaxing music
· Surround yourself with cozy blankets, pillows (just like a baby)
doing nothing,
insomnia chill out goddess,
Friday, July 20, 2007
Famous Diamonds
The Hope – More notorious than any other diamond, this 45.52-carat dark blue stone has a history heavily veiled by superstition. The diamond is supposed to have been the “Eye of Shiva” and to have been stolen, which is the reason for bad luck. Several of its owners died tragically, such as Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and Countess Du Barry were all beheaded, Habib Bey drowned along with his whole family and other owners, along with their descendants were beset with tragedy until they sold the diamond. Stolen during the French Revolution, it turned up in London in 1830 and was bought by Henry Philip Hope after whom it is currently named. Harry Winston donated it to the Smithsonian Institution.
The Taylor-Burton – This pear shaped 69.42-carat diamond was sold at auction in 1969 with the understanding that the buyer could name it. Cartier of New York successfully bid for it and immediately christened it Cartier. However, the next day Richard Burton bought the stone for Elizabeth Taylor for an undisclosed sum, renaming it the Taylor-Burton. It made its debut at a charity ball in Monaco hosted by Princess Grace. In 1978, Elizabeth Taylor announced that she was putting it up for sale and planned to use the proceeds to build a hospital in Botswanna. In 1979, it was sold for nearly 3 million and was last reported to be in Saudi Arabia.
The Regent – A truly historic diamond discovered in 1701 by an Indian slave, it weighed 410 carats in the rough. At one time, it was called “The Pitt” after it’s owner, William Pitt, an English Prime Minister, who had the diamond cut into 140.50 carats. It was then sold to France and renamed The Regent and set into the crown Louis XV wore at his coronation. After the French Revolution, it was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte who set it in the hilt of his sword. It is now on the display in the Louvre.
The Great Star of Africa - The Great Star of Africa was the largest diamond ever found, weighing a staggering 3106 carats in the rough! It is now the largest cut diamond at 530.20 carats. This diamond adorns the scepter of King Edward VII and is kept in the tower of London and is among the British Crown Jewels.
The Tiffany – The Tiffany diamond is one of the largest Fancy Yellow diamonds in the world. The rough diamond weighed 287.42 carats before it was cut and shaped into a “brilliant-shaped” diamond with an unprecedented 90 facets. This is 32 more facets than the traditional 58 facets, which serves to make The Tiffany appear to smolder from a flame within. This 128.51-carat diamond briefly graced the neck of Audrey Hepburn for a round of publicity photographs taken for the film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1961.
The Taylor-Burton – This pear shaped 69.42-carat diamond was sold at auction in 1969 with the understanding that the buyer could name it. Cartier of New York successfully bid for it and immediately christened it Cartier. However, the next day Richard Burton bought the stone for Elizabeth Taylor for an undisclosed sum, renaming it the Taylor-Burton. It made its debut at a charity ball in Monaco hosted by Princess Grace. In 1978, Elizabeth Taylor announced that she was putting it up for sale and planned to use the proceeds to build a hospital in Botswanna. In 1979, it was sold for nearly 3 million and was last reported to be in Saudi Arabia.
The Regent – A truly historic diamond discovered in 1701 by an Indian slave, it weighed 410 carats in the rough. At one time, it was called “The Pitt” after it’s owner, William Pitt, an English Prime Minister, who had the diamond cut into 140.50 carats. It was then sold to France and renamed The Regent and set into the crown Louis XV wore at his coronation. After the French Revolution, it was owned by Napoleon Bonaparte who set it in the hilt of his sword. It is now on the display in the Louvre.
The Great Star of Africa - The Great Star of Africa was the largest diamond ever found, weighing a staggering 3106 carats in the rough! It is now the largest cut diamond at 530.20 carats. This diamond adorns the scepter of King Edward VII and is kept in the tower of London and is among the British Crown Jewels.
The Tiffany – The Tiffany diamond is one of the largest Fancy Yellow diamonds in the world. The rough diamond weighed 287.42 carats before it was cut and shaped into a “brilliant-shaped” diamond with an unprecedented 90 facets. This is 32 more facets than the traditional 58 facets, which serves to make The Tiffany appear to smolder from a flame within. This 128.51-carat diamond briefly graced the neck of Audrey Hepburn for a round of publicity photographs taken for the film, Breakfast at Tiffany’s in 1961.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Tips to Build Confidence
Face your fears:
· Tell someone, “I love you”
· Leave the house without make-up
· Enroll in a dance class
· Ask your boss for a raise
· Tell a friend an embarrassing secret about yourself
· Pet a snake
· Introduce yourself at a party
· Find out your Fico
· Try public speaking
· Apologize to someone
· Swim in the ocean
· Study a foreign Language
· Ask someone out on a date
· Become CPR certified
· Change a flat tire
· Cut up your credit cards
· Tell someone, “I love you”
· Leave the house without make-up
· Enroll in a dance class
· Ask your boss for a raise
· Tell a friend an embarrassing secret about yourself
· Pet a snake
· Introduce yourself at a party
· Find out your Fico
· Try public speaking
· Apologize to someone
· Swim in the ocean
· Study a foreign Language
· Ask someone out on a date
· Become CPR certified
· Change a flat tire
· Cut up your credit cards
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Your Goddess Within - The Day I Was Rescued by Dolphins
Your Identity –your Goddess within
*swimming with dolphins in this unaltered photo by Todd Essick - view more at www.essickphoto.com
After fantasizing about it for years, I decided it was time to fulfill my dream: to take a year off and live on an island. Had I gone bananas? No, Thoreau’s Walden profoundly inspired me and I always wanted to do what he did: leave the distractions of the daily grind to find out the meaning of life. He wrote his philosophical book in the woods in a house that he had built himself, on the shore of Walden Pond, in Concord, Massachusetts. I chose the tropical beach version. I was living in New York City and was insecure, confused about my career path, and on a quest to find my identity different from my parents. I had many excuses of why I couldn’t do it, but when I was 20, I cashed in my investments and decided to invest in myself. I traded in my sequins for seashells and purchased a one-way ticket to the Caribbean. It was the single best thing I ever did for myself. What happened next was the last thing I could have expected: a miracle.
I was bold, stubborn, foolish and lucky. I had been living in a campground on Tortola, in the British Virgin Islands for 3 weeks when I set out to sea. I bought a small inflatable boat with a motor, packed all my belongings in it and went in search for a secluded beach to live out my “Walden”. I was on an island known for great sailing and I ignored all sound boating advice given to me. I didn’t check for weather or I would have noticed a squall just outside the safety of Brewer’s Bay. I also neglected to tie-down my camping equipment and when my boat hit large waves, my tent went overboard. I jumped in after it and became separated from the boat. I was tossed violently in the waves until I went unconscious. When I regained consciousness, I was being pushed and lifted to shore by a pod of 3 dolphins. The locals began calling me dolphin-girl, which eventually evolved into Dolphina over the course of the year I lived there.
As other people that have experienced a near-death incident, I was shaken to the core and forever altered. All the masks that I wore and presented to the world to protect myself were stripped away. I saw clearly my identity, who I am at the core. When I returned to New York City a year after living on the island, I officially assumed the name Dolphina to represent the new me, the true me.
You have an essence that is exclusive to you. There are things that you may want to change about yourself, because you are always changing and growing, but this essence does not change. It is pure, perfect and exquisite right now and forever. It is like a brilliant gemstone. This essence is your true identity and is not altered by external influences. I call this the Goddess within.
Women often identify themselves exclusively by their relationship to others. We think of ourselves as someone’s mother, wife, daughter, boss, sister, friend and the list goes on. Most women are nurturers and tend to other’s needs before our own. This in itself is a beautiful feminine quality that I do not recommend changing completely. However, this is not the essence I am speaking of: you are a woman first and foremost. You have a uniqueness that is whole unto yourself, apart from your relationships. Left to your own devices, you could go a very long time taking care of everyone and everything in your life, except for yourself. “I am too busy”, you say to yourself. You might even feel selfish at the thought of taking time for your Goddess within. You would be surprised at the wonders just an afternoon at the park, a museum, or wearing a tiara to a coffee shop by yourself can do to polish your gemstone so that it is shining brilliantly. Your family and friends need not worry that you will permanently take residence in your bubble bath, never to return. Everyone benefits: when you factor in well-deserved personal time to nourish this feminine spirit, you will have more to give back to your entire life.
If you completely define yourself by your relationship to others, you may feel the rug pulled out from underneath you if you move to a different city, become divorced, are betrayed by a friend or feel unmotivated by a job. Think of all that has happened as an exciting opportunity to reinvent, recreate and redefine who you are. Now this is your time! Dedicate this year to your Goddess within! Create the new you even more fabulous than the old you. Create the new you as the person you want to be. Create another persona with another name – like bellydancers do. Redecorate a room or corner to match the reinvention of yourself. It could even be a drawer that is filled with luxurious lingerie and scented pillows. See this space as a physical manifestation that would remind you of your new self – or one that you need to be sometimes.
I am giving you permission. Go on Goddess, take a break and allow time to wander, to let inspiration in and hear that voice inside you.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
What type of Goddess are you?
There are many sides to you. You are like a diamond: all your facets are a part of the whole you, infact, they make you shine more brilliantly. Depending on the day, the hour you take this quiz, you could be any of these types of Goddess. There is always one cut on any diamond that is larger, more dominant than any other – and this is your type of Goddess. Circle the answer you feel best describes you the most, then read about yourself!
1) Your favorite getaway is:
A) Hawaii
B) Paris
C) Venice, Italy
D) Las Vegas
E) Martha’s Vineyard
2) The shoes you wear all the time are:
A) Fredrick’s of Hollywood marabou slippers
B) Manolo Blahniks
C) Barefoot
D) Black Boots
E) UGG Boots
3) Perfect Date:
A) Dinner, dancing, hot tub
B) Foreign Film, coffee shop discussion
C) Charity Benefit
D) Concert
E) Picnic in Park
4) Fave Binge food:
A) Ice Cream
B) Champagne
C) Chocolate
D) Spicy Food
E) French Fries
5) I love to read:
A) Magazines
B) NY Times Bestsellers
C) Self-Help
D) Biographies
E) Adventure
6) Dream Job (If money wasn’t an issue):
A) Bellydancer
B) Entrepreneur
C) Mother
D) Artist
E) Park Ranger
7) You call in sick when you:
A) Sleep in
B) Never
C) Met a new love
D) Have a hangover
E) Have a fever over 101 degrees
8) Favorite Indulgence:
A) Baths
B) Manicure
C) Creams, lotions and perfume
D) Music
E) Flowers
9) Ideal Workout:
A) Dancing
B) Yoga
C) Swimming
D) Weight-lifting
E) Hiking
10) You are having a stressed-out day at work/school, you:
A) Take a rose-petal bath
B) Go shopping
C) Write in your journal
D) You thrive on stress – it makes you work harder
E) Take a walk in the park
If you picked mostly A’s – You are a Sexy Goddess
My, it’s getting warm in here. You love being a girl and are amused watching the boys fall at your feet. Everything about you is provocative from the way you dress to the way you talk. You are passionate, witty, dangerously smart, though you may keep this on the QT to add to the mystery of your allure.
If you picked mostly B’s – You are a Modern Goddess
Casual Fridays? For you, dressing up is not a chore – it’s a raison d’etre. Luxury is your way of life. You would rather have a few designer threads than a closet full of bargain brands. You are sophisticated, chic and into the most current trends. You adore traveling, learning new things and shopping.
If you picked mostly C’s – You are a Love Goddess
All you need is love, Love is all you need. You hate conflict and clothes that aren’t soft to the touch. You always see the glass as half-full and want to make a difference in the world. Beautiful, fragrant things are important to you and you indulge in lotions for each part of your body. You care deeply for all people, especially children.
If you picked mostly D’s – You are a Rock Goddess
Take a walk on the wild side is your motto. You will try anything once. Your sense of adventure includes your risk-taking style, though you can always count on your favorite pair of jeans. It’s all about the hair, whether it’s blonde, brunette or red. You won’t take no for an answer, unless it’s coming out of your mouth. You speak the truth, which often gets you into trouble. You are highly creative and artistic, even the way you make dinner.
If you picked mostly E’s – You are a Natural Goddess
To you, an embarrassment of riches is watching a sunset over the ocean. Your style is easy going and your make-up is clean, fresh, dewy and above all, natural. You are honest, good listeners and make the most loyal of friends. You care deeply for nature and animals. You are health conscious and organic foods and exercise are a priority.
Goddess Quiz,
What type of Goddess Are you?
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Goddess Workout Teacher Training and Swim with Dolphins Retreat in Hawaii
Imagine spending an unforgettable week in paradise swimming with wild dolphins, feasting on delicious food, dancing under the moon and rejuvenating in a sacred waterfall. In this retreat, Dolphina will share with you her special connection with the dolphins and her secrets to living your own Goddess Life
Women of all ages (must be 18 years or older), sizes and walks of life who desire an unforgettable experience. This retreat is appropriate for dancers of all levels, from absolute beginners to those who want to become licensed to teach the Goddess Workout. At the end of the Teacher Training, dancers have the option to purchase for an additional fee, a license to become certified to teach The Goddess Workout with Dolphina. For the wild dolphin swims, it is usually best to be both a good swimmer and comfortable snorkeling in the ocean to swim with the dolphins. If you do not feel comfortable swimming in the open ocean, you will still be able to experience the magic of dolphins from the shore or boat
Our GoddessLife retreat will take place at the lush and secluded Kolealea (which means 'bouncing waters' in Hawaiian) in "upcountry" Maui. The center enjoys 80 degree weather year round and is surrounded by Plumeria Trees, quiet walkways with bridges over streams and a valley of ginger, and the famous "road to Hana" is at our back door. We will dance in a studio with bamboo floors with views to the tropical garden on all sides.
There are several charming cottages nestled throughout the pristine aina (land) of Kolealea retreat center. Each house has something unique, including an outdoor shower, hot tub, and views. Sleeping is double occupancy.
We will feast upon 3 vegetarian gourmet meals a day. All meals are prepared by a loving staff dedicated to the spirit of Aloha using fresh local produce grown in organic gardens.
Book and fly the airline of your choice. Dancers come from all over the world for our retreat and teacher training, so there is no way to include airfare in our package price. There are three airports on Maui. We will provide van pick-up and lei greeting between 3-5pm on August 20th at Kahului, Maui, HI (OGG-Kahului) Airport. You are welcome to rent your own car to explore the island.
Deadline for the discount to save $1999 rate is June 25th!
50% Deposit due upon registration. Balance due by July 25th.
Fill out registration form and fax and mail with your deposit check, money order or credit card information to GoddessLife. Upon receipt of your application, we will send you a registration package that includes a detailed itinerary, how to prepare for your retreat and what to bring. Space is limited and will sell out!
4051 Glencoe Avenue #5
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Bed, Baths and Beyond
I was about 6 years old when I first went to a hammam. These are public bathhouses in Morocco, in which I briefly lived with my family. In Marrakech, bathing at a hammam is a social ritual to which we do not have an exact comparison in America. It most resembles a spa, but not as luxurious as its western counterparts nor as private. Women in Morocco frequent the hammam about once a week and are not as modest as American women at spas.
The hammam’s main room is tiled and steamy. You can hire a professional bather, but many women scrub, massage and cleanse each other. An amber colored goo is applied generously to the body, followed by a rigorous exfoliation with loofah mitts. Everyone has her own bucket of hot or cold water to douse herself with. Most women and girls are naked, except for panties. It is quite an intimate activity to share devoid of awkwardness. The women are more accepting of and open about their bodies than many American women.
The hammams were my first experience at pampering and it left a lasting impression. As a little girl, I mostly remembered the amber goo and how soft my skin felt afterwards. I would often think about the clean feeling I had immediately following a visit to the Moroccan bath. I was dirty most of the time in Morocco from the dust, wind and communal living. Even through the mind of a child, I knew a visit to the Moroccan spa felt more than just about getting clean; it felt like a fresh start.
As an adult, I decided to further my education in the arduous and highly competitive field of becoming a spa aficionado. I have delved enthusiastically into this area of study, dedicating many hours of research to visiting day spas, traveling to destination spas and reading many complex spa treatment menus. I have submitted myself to be the subject of dozens of grueling experimental spa treatments. I have been wrapped in chocolate in Mexico, had a gin martini facial in Paris, a rose-petal massage in Ojai, three-masseuse massage in Thailand and Lomi Lomi in Hawaii. With just a few credits shy of getting my degree, I have discovered my thesis: Pampering is about feeling taken care of.
The stresses of life can be exhausting and we are all guilty at times of biting off more than we can chew, doing too much and subsequently running on empty. In this drained state, we have little to give and often take for granted the blessings in our lives. The act of being pampered is rejuvenating. It is like refueling. Going to the spa is taking care of yourself and allowing someone to pamper you. Spas are sacred temples to renew a sore body, weary soul, a broken heart and a tired mind.
Pampering does not need to be luxurious to be effective. A natural mineral spring bath can be just as valuable as an expensive treatment in Beverly Hills. Even a short pampering session like a pedicure can go a long way to remove the grime of life that prevents you from seeing the beauty that surrounds you.
So memorize the list below and add your own pampering discoveries. Remember, as a goddess, we must always be working on a Phd in Pampering!
The hammam’s main room is tiled and steamy. You can hire a professional bather, but many women scrub, massage and cleanse each other. An amber colored goo is applied generously to the body, followed by a rigorous exfoliation with loofah mitts. Everyone has her own bucket of hot or cold water to douse herself with. Most women and girls are naked, except for panties. It is quite an intimate activity to share devoid of awkwardness. The women are more accepting of and open about their bodies than many American women.
The hammams were my first experience at pampering and it left a lasting impression. As a little girl, I mostly remembered the amber goo and how soft my skin felt afterwards. I would often think about the clean feeling I had immediately following a visit to the Moroccan bath. I was dirty most of the time in Morocco from the dust, wind and communal living. Even through the mind of a child, I knew a visit to the Moroccan spa felt more than just about getting clean; it felt like a fresh start.
As an adult, I decided to further my education in the arduous and highly competitive field of becoming a spa aficionado. I have delved enthusiastically into this area of study, dedicating many hours of research to visiting day spas, traveling to destination spas and reading many complex spa treatment menus. I have submitted myself to be the subject of dozens of grueling experimental spa treatments. I have been wrapped in chocolate in Mexico, had a gin martini facial in Paris, a rose-petal massage in Ojai, three-masseuse massage in Thailand and Lomi Lomi in Hawaii. With just a few credits shy of getting my degree, I have discovered my thesis: Pampering is about feeling taken care of.
The stresses of life can be exhausting and we are all guilty at times of biting off more than we can chew, doing too much and subsequently running on empty. In this drained state, we have little to give and often take for granted the blessings in our lives. The act of being pampered is rejuvenating. It is like refueling. Going to the spa is taking care of yourself and allowing someone to pamper you. Spas are sacred temples to renew a sore body, weary soul, a broken heart and a tired mind.
Pampering does not need to be luxurious to be effective. A natural mineral spring bath can be just as valuable as an expensive treatment in Beverly Hills. Even a short pampering session like a pedicure can go a long way to remove the grime of life that prevents you from seeing the beauty that surrounds you.
So memorize the list below and add your own pampering discoveries. Remember, as a goddess, we must always be working on a Phd in Pampering!
Moroccan spa,
Monday, May 14, 2007
Some wonderful ways to Pamper Yourself
1) Baths – get rose petals from your local florist or garden and scatter in your bath.
2) Use a beautiful wine glass for your water
3) Coat your feet with peppermint lotion and put on thick cotton socks.
4) Paint your nails red
5) Face – lay down after work with chamomile tea bags on your eyes and your favorite CD playing.
6) Go for a professional blow-out before a night out
7) Body Wrap – detox your system
8) Body Scrub- exfoliation is crucial to glowing skin. Make a homemade body scrub with sugar and jojoba oil.
9) Have a complimentary makeover at a cosmetic counter
10) Get a Massage – see list!
2) Use a beautiful wine glass for your water
3) Coat your feet with peppermint lotion and put on thick cotton socks.
4) Paint your nails red
5) Face – lay down after work with chamomile tea bags on your eyes and your favorite CD playing.
6) Go for a professional blow-out before a night out
7) Body Wrap – detox your system
8) Body Scrub- exfoliation is crucial to glowing skin. Make a homemade body scrub with sugar and jojoba oil.
9) Have a complimentary makeover at a cosmetic counter
10) Get a Massage – see list!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Types of Massage
Massage has been practiced throughout most cultures for thousands of years for one simple reason: touch is a powerful healer. Today more than ever, the stresses and strains of our fast-paced lives take their toll on our bodies, relationships, and enjoyment of life. Studies show that touch measurably improves health and well being. According to research done by the Touch Research Institute, based at the University of Miami, touch can reduce stress hormones, combat depressive symptoms, alleviate pain, and boost the immune system.
Styles of Massage:
A massage menu is as delicious to a Goddess as a dessert menu. So how do you choose which style of massage is right for you? You simply must sample each one, memorize the definitions, find your favorites and realize different massages can be more appropriate on different days for different needs and benefits.
Swedish – This European method reduces tension, increases circulation and soothes sore muscles using a combination of various movements including kneading, petrissage and effleurage.
Shiatsu – This ancient Japanese technique of applied finger pressure to your body’s meridian channels, allows your chi to flow naturally, inducing a state of deep relaxation and well-being.
Watsu – Watsu consists of shiatsu stretches in a pool of body-temperature water. You feel weightless as a therapist cradles you and stretches your limbs and is ideal for people who can’t have other types of massage (such as pregnant women and those with disabilities).
Aromatherapy - The powerful aromatic effects of pure essential oils are applied to the skin with Swedish massage techniques to revitalize and detoxify your body.
Sports - Aimed at performance, this massage technique uses compression; deep transverse friction and stretching to prepare the body for intensive exercise or for recovery after athletics.
Deep-Tissue – A therapeutic treatment that works deep tissue to relieve muscular spasms and prevent soreness resulting from many things like stress, over-exertion, or athletic activities.
Reflexology – The hands and feet have points that correspond to the organs and functions of the body. This massage involves stimulating these points to provide a positively calming and healing experience.
Reiki – Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal life-force energy. This ancient healing art uses gentle and non-invasive energy to encourage personal awareness and well-being.
Cranio-Sacral – Through light touch, this practice alters imbalances in the central nervous system between the cranium and the sacrum, resetting the body’s natural healing potential.
Hot Stone Therapy – Smooth, polished Basalt Lava Stones are heated and incorporated into a massage that loosens tight muscles and relieves tension.
Thai - Thai massage combines pressure-point massage and yoga in slow, rhythmic stretches along the body’s ten sen, or energy lines. As you lie on a floor mat, the therapist uses her palms, thumbs, elbow and feet to apply pressure to your body and move it through yoga poses to balance energy and increase flexibility.
Lomi-Lomi – Passed down through Hawaiian elders or Kapuna, this therapeutic technique uses both gentle and vigorous kneading strokes and body manipulations to ease muscle pain thus renewing a sense of well-being.
Shirodhara – In this Eastern-Indian treatment, warm oil flows onto the forehead and is gently massaged into the scalp while hot stones are place in your hands and at your feet to calm the mind and body.
Tui Na – This ancient Chinese healing art is based on energy flow, meridian and pressure points. The focus is less on immediate relaxation and more on restoring the body’s health and energy through intense stretching and muscle manipulation.
MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the most widely researched and proven massage in the world. Rhythmical, whispery soft finger strokes or ultra-light drumming stimulate the flow of lymph with the benefits ranging from a decrease in facial puffiness and a boost in immune function to smoothing of cellulite and relief from headaches.
Styles of Massage:
A massage menu is as delicious to a Goddess as a dessert menu. So how do you choose which style of massage is right for you? You simply must sample each one, memorize the definitions, find your favorites and realize different massages can be more appropriate on different days for different needs and benefits.
Swedish – This European method reduces tension, increases circulation and soothes sore muscles using a combination of various movements including kneading, petrissage and effleurage.
Shiatsu – This ancient Japanese technique of applied finger pressure to your body’s meridian channels, allows your chi to flow naturally, inducing a state of deep relaxation and well-being.
Watsu – Watsu consists of shiatsu stretches in a pool of body-temperature water. You feel weightless as a therapist cradles you and stretches your limbs and is ideal for people who can’t have other types of massage (such as pregnant women and those with disabilities).
Aromatherapy - The powerful aromatic effects of pure essential oils are applied to the skin with Swedish massage techniques to revitalize and detoxify your body.
Sports - Aimed at performance, this massage technique uses compression; deep transverse friction and stretching to prepare the body for intensive exercise or for recovery after athletics.
Deep-Tissue – A therapeutic treatment that works deep tissue to relieve muscular spasms and prevent soreness resulting from many things like stress, over-exertion, or athletic activities.
Reflexology – The hands and feet have points that correspond to the organs and functions of the body. This massage involves stimulating these points to provide a positively calming and healing experience.
Reiki – Reiki is a Japanese word that means universal life-force energy. This ancient healing art uses gentle and non-invasive energy to encourage personal awareness and well-being.
Cranio-Sacral – Through light touch, this practice alters imbalances in the central nervous system between the cranium and the sacrum, resetting the body’s natural healing potential.
Hot Stone Therapy – Smooth, polished Basalt Lava Stones are heated and incorporated into a massage that loosens tight muscles and relieves tension.
Thai - Thai massage combines pressure-point massage and yoga in slow, rhythmic stretches along the body’s ten sen, or energy lines. As you lie on a floor mat, the therapist uses her palms, thumbs, elbow and feet to apply pressure to your body and move it through yoga poses to balance energy and increase flexibility.
Lomi-Lomi – Passed down through Hawaiian elders or Kapuna, this therapeutic technique uses both gentle and vigorous kneading strokes and body manipulations to ease muscle pain thus renewing a sense of well-being.
Shirodhara – In this Eastern-Indian treatment, warm oil flows onto the forehead and is gently massaged into the scalp while hot stones are place in your hands and at your feet to calm the mind and body.
Tui Na – This ancient Chinese healing art is based on energy flow, meridian and pressure points. The focus is less on immediate relaxation and more on restoring the body’s health and energy through intense stretching and muscle manipulation.
MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage is the most widely researched and proven massage in the world. Rhythmical, whispery soft finger strokes or ultra-light drumming stimulate the flow of lymph with the benefits ranging from a decrease in facial puffiness and a boost in immune function to smoothing of cellulite and relief from headaches.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Forget Taxes, Ways to make everyday a Goddess Celebration
1) Drink your morning juice from a champagne flute
2)Wear your special occasion underwear even though it’s Monday and no one is expected to see them
3)Throw your sheets or towels in the dryer right before you use them.
4)Put on sparkly eye shadow
5)Light every candle in your house
6)Buy a bag of rose petals from a florist and scatter them around your house
7)Practice your autograph signature with a fancy pen
8)Attempt a cartwheel
9)Dance to Madonna in front of mirror
10)Make a list of the best compliments you ever received
11)Buy fishnet stockings and wear them to the office
2)Wear your special occasion underwear even though it’s Monday and no one is expected to see them
3)Throw your sheets or towels in the dryer right before you use them.
4)Put on sparkly eye shadow
5)Light every candle in your house
6)Buy a bag of rose petals from a florist and scatter them around your house
7)Practice your autograph signature with a fancy pen
8)Attempt a cartwheel
9)Dance to Madonna in front of mirror
10)Make a list of the best compliments you ever received
11)Buy fishnet stockings and wear them to the office
Monday, April 2, 2007
Come to Hawaii!
Imagine spending an unforgettable week in paradise swimming with wild dolphins, feasting on delicious food, dancing under the moon and rejuvenating in a sacred waterfall. In this retreat, Dolphina will share with you her special connection with the dolphins and her secrets to living your own Goddess Life
Women of all ages (must be 18 years or older), sizes and walks of life who desire an unforgettable experience. This retreat is appropriate for dancers of all levels, from absolute beginners to those who want to become licensed to teach the Goddess Workout. At the end of the Teacher Training, dancers have the option to purchase for an additional fee, a license to become certified to teach The Goddess Workout with Dolphina. For the wild dolphin swims, it is usually best to be both a good swimmer and comfortable snorkeling in the ocean to swim with the dolphins. If you do not feel comfortable swimming in the open ocean, you will still be able to experience the magic of dolphins from the shore or boat
Our GoddessLife retreat will take place at the lush and secluded Kolealea (which means 'bouncing waters' in Hawaiian) in "upcountry" Maui. The center enjoys 80 degree weather year round and is surrounded by Plumeria Trees, quiet walkways with bridges over streams and a valley of ginger, and the famous "road to Hana" is at our back door. We will dance in a studio with bamboo floors with views to the tropical garden on all sides.
There are several charming cottages nestled throughout the pristine aina (land) of Kolealea retreat center. Each house has something unique, including an outdoor shower, hot tub, and views. Sleeping is double occupancy.
We will feast upon 3 vegetarian gourmet meals a day. All meals are prepared by a loving staff dedicated to the spirit of Aloha using fresh local produce grown in organic gardens.
Book and fly the airline of your choice. Dancers come from all over the world for our retreat and teacher training, so there is no way to include airfare in our package price. There are three airports on Maui. We will provide van pick-up and lei greeting between 3-5pm on August 20th at Kahului, Maui, HI (OGG-Kahului) Airport. You are welcome to rent your own car to explore the island.
Deadline for the discount to save $1999 rate is June 25th!
50% Deposit due upon registration. Balance due by July 25th.
Fill out registration form and fax and mail with your deposit check, money order or credit card information to GoddessLife. Upon receipt of your application, we will send you a registration package that includes a detailed itinerary, how to prepare for your retreat and what to bring. Space is limited and will sell out!
4051 Glencoe Avenue #5
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
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