For “many moons”, people have been deeply fascinated by the ever-changing presence of the silvery moon in the night sky. Temples have been erected and dedicated to Luna. The first calendar humankind ever knew was based on a year of thirteen months, the number of times the moon waxed and waned. Moscow is raised and lowered by twenty inches twice a day by the tides, which are affected by the moon. And perhaps no other natural object has starred in so much poetry and literature and music, and the myths and legends of so many cultures. With all that has been said, one thing stays consistent: the moon is female.
Lilith, Diana, Selene, Helen, Hathor, Artemis….the ancient civilizations created many goddesses whose power and influence came from the Moon. Their essence was that of the Moon itself and the Goddesses assume many different forms, just as the Moon does. Some are virginal (in the original meaning of the word: whole unto herself), and some are fertile. These feminine deities were worshipped for what the lunar attributes that they represent: change, transformation, mystery, and creation.
The Moon’s monthly pattern of waxing, full, waning and dark (new) reflects women’s monthly cycle. Menstruation actually means monthly – occurring every lunar month. I have personally noticed when I spend a lot of time with other women; we will all tend to menstruate all within a few days of one another. It has been suggested that in ancient times, before there was artificial light or any chemical contraception, women would ovulate and menstruate at the same time because of the moon’s influence. They would isolate themselves in “Moon Huts” during their “Moon Time” –not because they consider themselves unclean, but as a opportunity to celebrate the mysteries of their femininity together.
The Moon has such a strong influence on the Earth that twice a day, it makes the waters of the oceans ebb and flow. It takes about 1,500,000,000 horsepower for the Moon to drag the tides across the Earth each day. Sheesh, that’s a lot of power! Scientists (those cuties with the white coats and coke-bottle glasses) say that our body is made up of 95% water. With all this power, the Moon must affect us, too, no doubt. Perhaps which is why we attribute craziness to the Full Moon with the term: lunatic.
In ancient spirituality, Pagan, witchcraft, magic, and earth-based religion, the connections to the moon are immeasurable. There are endless amount of spells to attain everything from love to prosperity. Some rituals are performed at when the moon is “right”, drawing on the different energies of the moon’s cycle. In astrology, the moon’s placement in an individual’s chart represents the feminine aspects of the one’s nature.
You may not want to isolate each month in a “Moon Hut” or perform a “Lunar Love-Charm” to celebrate the Full Moon. But next time you see the Full moon up in the sky, take a moment to honor our silvery sister that quietly, but strongly influences our lives.
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